The International Astronautical Federation (IAF) hosted the IAF Symposium 2025 alongside the 62nd session of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee (STSC) of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS). Under the theme Space – Indispensable on the Agenda of Policymakers, Public, and Nations, the symposium gathered experts, policymakers, and representatives from space agencies, industry, and academia to explore ways to bridge gaps and engage diverse stakeholders in shaping the future of space.
The event featured three thought-provoking panel discussions, each addressing key challenges in advancing space initiatives worldwide:
Panel A: How to Engage Political Decision-Makers in the Space Debate?
Moderated by Christian Feichtinger, Executive Director of IAF, the panel focused on strategies to ensure policymakers prioritise long-term space investments. Experts from ESA, Latvia’s Ministry of Economics, Turkey’s Parliament, Hungary’s Foreign Affairs Ministry, Poland’s Administration, and industry emphasized the importance of clear communication, public engagement, and collaboration between governments and the private sector. Panelists stressed that space should be recognised as a strategic economic and security asset, not just a scientific endeavour. The discussion also highlighted the importance of teamwork in space diplomacy, encouraging stronger international partnerships to advance shared goals in space exploration and governance.
Panel B: How to Secure General Public Support for Space?
Led by Nikol Koleva, Executive Director of the Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC), the second panel explored how to strengthen public awareness and enthusiasm for space programs to secure public and private funding. Discussions focused on ways to effectively communicate the impact of space activities on daily life, leverage citizen engagement, and inspire future generations through education and storytelling. Panelists, including Turkey’s first astronaut Alper Gezeravcı and space leaders from Turkey, India, Israel, and Europe, emphasized the role of innovation, public outreach, and cultural integration in making space more accessible and relevant to the public.
Panel C: How to Embrace Emerging Countries in the Global Space Endeavor?
Moderated by Aarti Holla-Maini, Director of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), this panel examined ways to integrate emerging space nations into the global space ecosystem. Representatives from Slovakia, Guatemala, South Africa, Australia and Italy shared insights on capacity building, international cooperation, and overcoming barriers such as high costs and limited infrastructure. Notably, Sergio Marchisio, General Counsel of the IAF, contributed to the discussion by highlighting the importance of benefit, inclusion, and partnership as fundamental principles for ensuring that space activities serve all nations and the relevance of legal frameworks to foster international cooperation. Panelists advocated for greater inclusion of developing nations in international space governance to promote innovation.
The IAF Symposium 2025 reaffirmed the growing importance of space in shaping global policies and economies. As space activities continues to expand, fostering collaboration among governments, industry, and the public will be essential in ensuring a sustainable and inclusive future for all.
The discussions will continue at upcoming events, including the:
🚀 IAF Global Space Exploration Conference (GLEX 2025) – New Delhi, India
🌏 76th International Astronautical Congress (IAC 2025) – Sydney, Australia
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To explore the full list of panelists and their insightful interventions, download the IAF Symposium 2025 Report below!
PDF Credit: International Astronautical Congress